Grace Hopper Conference


I just came back recently from my trip to the Grace Hopper Conference in Orlando. It is the largest women in tech conference in the world! I got to meet so many different people from around the globe, and hear their stories. It was very inspiring. I loved the keynotes, as they were all given by successful women, such as Melinda Gates and Fei Fei Li. Hearing their stories, and many others, such as the first Mexican woman to get a physics PHD from Stanford, was super inspiring. I admired how strong human passion and ambition could take someone, and how hard work really does pay off. All those women had amazing determination and perseverance. They would not accept failure as the final result, and thus pushed themselves past their limits until they reached remarkable success that anyone in their right mind would admire them for.

I also visited the job fair, and got to hear how some people ended up at the companies they currently worked for. It also got me to realize all the different possibilities and opportunities there are in the tech world. All the different projects you can be involved in, the impact that tech has, and the growth the industry has too. Plus, the amount of innovation is astounding. I realized that I love the projects that help give back to society the most, and got to this company called ThoughtWorks. They don’t do any internships, but as an employee, you can travel the world while building tech-related projects to help the less fortunate communities. I thought that to be really cool and inspiring. Job hunting is pretty stressful, but also exciting, as you realize all the different possibilities ahead of you. 🙂

I also got to meet DropBox again. I got invited to a meet-and-greet with the company at this fancy hotel. Made me realize how passionate and determined their employees are. Plus they all are very accomplished people with hardcore hobbies. It’s nice to have a hobby one keeps while at work. Helps make you a more interesting person too. They were all really nice too, and were happy to answer any questions. We ended up staying for the entire event.

All in all, the Grace Hopper Conference was an amazing, inspiring, empowering, *insert other in-awe adjectives, event. 🙂

And thank you to UWaterloo for sponsoring me

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